Saturday, 28 May 2016

A Change In Scenery

Holly writes:
Day 4

Today we woke up at 4am and couldn't get back to sleep. This was an early start to a very long day. First off we went to the wall of love. It had 'I love you'written on it in over 300 different languages. JE t'aime (French) and I love you (unknown) were almost right in the middle. 
Next we moved on to Sacre Couer Basilica a MASSIVE Christian church. It was at the highest point of the entire city. It looks much older than it is, the building was finished in the late 20th century. It was huge and beautiful inside. At the very end it had a big mosaic of Jesus.
Since we had a lot of time we went back to Notre Dame. This time to see inside. There were brilliant stained glass windows with intricate designs. Lots and lots of candles were all around the place. Over 10 million people visit each year, making Notre Dame one the most popular tourist attractions in Paris. 
We arrived back at the hotel to collect our bags and headed to the train station. After waiting for an hour we realised it was 50 minutes delay. We were on the train for two hours before arriving at Sancerre, a small town in the French countryside. Here we were introduced to the language school we will be staying in for a week.  Our apartment was on third floor and we couldn't stop looking out the window. It was so old and beautiful. New Zealand feels like a life time away.

Au reviour 
Holly xxx


  1. Amazing! Glad to hear you are having such a wonderful time. My advice is get used to those transport delays! Xox Aunty sal

  2. Hi Holly,
    We had loads of fun today in class reading your blog posts and have been learning a great deal. It sounds like you are having an amazing experience! I love Paris and enjoyed reading about the Notre Dame through your eyes. Have the best time! We are all missing you here and can’t wait to hear more about your big adventure.
    Have fun,
    Mrs Sibson

    Hi Holly looks like you're having heaps of fun we have just been reading your very detailed blog. The photos look amazing, can't wait to see you and hear all about it.
    From Lily

    Hi Holly, looks like you're having a great time. Man am I jealous, we are in class working away while you're looking at big mirrors and playing a life sized games. Hope you're having a great time and I reading your blog every day. Have a great couple of weeks, don't eat too much French food.
    From Amelie

    Hey Holly, I hope you’re having an amazing time in France and will enjoy yourself in the other places you visit. I have been reading your blog every morning and everything you are doing looks incredible. I am so jealous. I am missing you but I know you will back before we know it. I can't wait to hear about it when you get back. Bella

    Hi Holly,
    Man it looks so fun in France. I love your blog you have written some really cool stuff. Your pictures are amazing. I can't wait to hear all about your trip when you get back we are really missing you at school, it is so quiet here without you. There is no one to tell the jokes and get the class giggling like you did.
    From Harriet

    Are you having a good time Holly~senpai? I hope you like it there remember to take LOTS of pictures! And tell the whole story in tutor time. I can't believe you left me in our tutor group while you get to FLY and live your dreams. Are there any anime or any good cartoons? I’d love to hear from you! Also good news... I finally remembered my timetable! Sorta! I can't wait to see you again! Jessica

  3. Hi Holly your trip looks amazing, I hope you're having a good time time I can't wait to hear all about it. Its looks like tons of fun can't wait to see you again. I like all of your pics and you look so happy and just enjoy yourself. Emelia

    Hi Holly, you look like you are having an amazing time in France and I hope you will enjoy all the other places that you will visit. Those pictures look AMAZING and I hope you send lots more. We can't wait to see you again! HAVE LOTS OF FUN! Janvi

    Hi Holly,
    I hope you are having a fantastic time visiting all these places I can't even pronounce. Man am I jealous of where you have been and what you are doing. Your blog is amazing, I love it. I can't wait to hear all about your trip. And I never thought I would say this but I'm missing you sneaking up on me and scaring the hdebhdebhsdbheddh out of me. Your photos are so unreal that's how amazing they are (please take a selfie on the top of the Eiffel Tower for me). By the way I don't want you to be addicted to snails and frogs legs please. I hope you can teach me some French when you get back too. Enjoy your time away as the whole class wants to be there with you. Have heaps more fun.
    From Jemma xxx

    Bonjour Madame, hope your having a great holiday in Europe.Your blog is amazing I love it. Your photos are really cool and you look like you're having the best time. Europe looks beautiful and I'm so jealous of where you are right now while we are at school. :( don't tell Mrs Sibson;-). Hope you have the best time can't wait until you get back and for you to tell us all about it. Xx ~ Scarlett

    Hi Holly, it looks like you're having heaps of fun. I love all the stuff you write about it sounds so cool. Man I wish I was in France instead of school. ;) I'm 12!! Hope you enjoy the rest of your time. I hope you survive!

    Hi Holly! It looks like you are absolutely loving your trip. Your blog is doing really well and we have enjoyed reading a little bit of it. Hope you have a safe trip and enjoy the rest of it!
    Miss you!

    Hi Holly it looks like you are having so much fun and I hope you are having a great time in France. I’m so jealous I really miss you. The food looks so good and I bet it is so fun! I can't wait to hear about your trip - by the way you might need to teach me some French. Can't wait till you get back from Holly❤

    Je M'appelle Lauren - Hi Holly, I hope your having fun. I loved the stuff about Houdini. Trust me you'll love the leaning tower of Pisa. Make sure you have the effect when your pushing the tower and post it on your blog it will be cool.
    Have fun ~ Lauren

    A few questions for you...:-)

    What is the weather like there?

    How many people live in the place that you are staying?

    What is your favourite place so far?

    What is the best food that you have eaten?

    What transport are you using to get around?

    From your ENSS classmates

    1. Hi Guys,
      It absolutly poured for 1 week and it caused some flooding which made a few problems for us, but lately its been 27+ degrees.

      In Paris it was a hotel so there was lots of people. At the french school in Sancerre there was a couple and another woman below us. Here in Blois there is a man with a small apartment like ours nextdoor and he lives there, so we got told off when we left the outside door open. (the door leads to the doors of both of our rooms)

      I loved SAncerre becaues it was so small you could walk around and there wasn't many people so mum would let us go down to the bakers to get the food and drop off the mail.

      Bagettes. The bread here is amazing. Last night I ate half a bagette with my bowl of pasta.

      In Paris we used the metro. Sancerre was so small we could just walk around. in blois we hired a car to take us some further away places but now we are back to walking until dad arrives.

      I am having lots of fun and I kind of miss New Zealand but France is new (well everything s really old...) and very different. Only 6 more weeks to go!

      Holly xxx

      (P.S Lauren I will make sure to get the photo)

  4. Bonjour Mam! How are you doing? Hope you're having an awesome time in Europe. It’s so cool over there - we all really miss you. Enjoy it while you're there, have an awesome time in France. Love Gabrielle Xx
