Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Off to Positano

Emma Writes
Day 42

Today we went on a long long drive.  It was 6 hours. 

We stopped in a town named Cassino where it was hard to find lunch.  After looking for ages we found lunch, we had loads of pastas and it was cheap.  We had trouble finding the information centre and we drove around town 5 or 6 times looking for it.  In the end the Information centre was just a round kiosk that was closed...

In Cassino there was a big abbey.  It was special because it was destroyed 4 times , the last time by the Allied soldiers bombing the German army.  We also visited the Commonwealth cemetary to see all the NZer's buried there.  460 New Zealanders died in the battle.

Now we are in a Positano.  It is by the beach.  Our house is in the hills and we can see a little bit of the ocean.  Tomorrow we are going to the beach.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you made it there safe and sound and have been able to visit so many important places along the way x
