Saturday, 16 July 2016

T.V Tower

James Blogs
Day 53

Today we had to get up early because Mum booked us to go to the Reichstag Dome at 8:30.  The Reichstag is the German Parliament. We got audioguides and went into the Dome.  The ramp to the top was 1.3km long. The top had an amazing view but not as good as the view we were about to see.

After we went to the DDR Museum. It was showing you what life was like in East Germany. There was a car simulater and a computer where you typed your name and it prints it out in Russian.  There was a movie theatre and a TV showing old TV shows. The East Germans liked sunbathing and swimming in the nude and there were pictures of this too!

Finally we bought tickets for the TV tower.  But we had to wait two hours until our ticket was valid.  Once we were through security we crammed into a lift.  We went up.  There was an amazing view.  Afterwards we visited a piece of the wall in East Germany where artists had drawn on the wall.

Then we came home and had ribs and vegetables for dinner.  We also had cake because it is Dad's birthday tomorrow!

Ampleman (East German pedestrian walk signal)

James asleep in an East German Prison

James being interrogated in an East German Prison

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