Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Rain, Rain Go Away

Holly writes: 
Day 21

A jumble of shouted words in a language I didn't understand suddenly hit my ears. I sat up right, the sky was dark. You have got to be kidding me. It was 4:30 in the morning and some intoxicated Swedish people were so hyped after the game they just didn't know how to be quiet. Thankfully when I got up and moved rooms they quiet ended down and I got some more sleep.

After only doing some minor packing because we had packed the night before, we set off on the metro. It was rush our and let's just say it was a tight squeeze. After 17 stops we were VERY relieved to get off. Once we had found our rental car we logged the journey onto the gps... only to get stuck in traffic and go 5km in 1 hour and a half. Lucky once we were on the highway it was free flowing. 

Most of the journey we spent on the highway but after a lunch stop we came across some road works. The gps diverted us along some country roads and through a couple of tiny towns. But don't be fooled, no one was skipping merrily along or playing in the streets. Who would won't to in the crazy downpour?!

We also went down a road with some abandoned cars dotted around, a man carrying a scythe (Dad claims it was the grim reaperšŸ˜¬) 
When we finally got the new house Emma jumped straight into the pool. I would have got in the pool if it was not 19 degrees and it wasn't raining. After a supermarket shop to get some supplies we ate dinner in front of the TV and played a family game of monopoly that sadly had to be put on hold as it was bedtime.

Hoping for sunshine
Au Revoir 


  1. What a lovely descriptive piece of writing Holly! I hope the weather clears up for you soon x

  2. Haha how many ice creams has Emma eaten!! Great blog entry Holly x
