Sunday, 19 June 2016

Up And Down The Hill

Holly writes:
Day 26

Today we woke up to it pouring with rain. YUCK!!! It finally cleard around 10 and we set out for a location a little further away then normal. It was a little town called Rocamadour. Here we went climbed down a hill, to get there you had to walk through some old ruin and the "paddock of the poor people". Once we got to the road we marveled at some of the beautiful and old architecture.

At the very bottom there was a  church with some great views. To donate money to the church you could buy pin and stick it in a log (it sounds kind of stupid I know, but the end result was a big gold rock which looked like it was crying gold tear drops). We climbed 216 steps to get to the church. Which is nothing compared to the 700 steps leading to some church which in future we have to climb. On the way back as we climbed, there were the 14 stages of the cross.

When we got back to the top, we scouted out one of the best restaurants in town. With an entree of melon, a main of steak and a pudding or icecream we were all very happy and very full. I would just like to point out that as we sat there for two hours, twice two girls on horses road past. VERY important detail for me.

Unfortunately we were frozen from sitting outside for lunch so the proposed jousting show was ruled out by everyone as it meant more sitting outside.  After a struggle with the gps to get home, we got in the pool and swam for a bit before eating the raspberries that had not been gotten at by the bugs. This is our last day here, so as a thank you to Rosemary (the friendly lady who rented us this place) for being kind and bringing us warm brownies Dad put together a set of drawers she was struggling to put together.

Can't wait for Provence!

Au revoir


  1. Wow Holly, I am very impressed with your description of the days events. Sounds like you are all having a great time and we are really enjoying keeping up with your Blog. Will and Mia say 'Hi'. Will just got player of the day on the weekend for his 3rd football game, and Mia managed to stand on the field of her game for about 10seconds, before 'retiring' as she was feeling a bit nervous. I hope mum and dad and doing lots of wine 'testing', and enjoying the trip too! Take care, and hope to see you again when you return! - Colleen, Dave, Will and Mia :-)

  2. Ooh great to hear you got to see some horses during your lunch. Perfect!
